What To Expect From Laser Treatment for Dark Spots

Laser treatment for dark spots, also known as laser skin resurfacing or laser pigmentation treatment, is a non-invasive procedure used to reduce the appearance of dark spots on the skin caused by hyperpigmentation or age spots. The treatment involves directing a laser beam at the targeted areas, which breaks down the excess melanin, gradually fading the darkness.

Consider laser treatment for dark spots when other topical treatments have not yielded satisfactory results or if they're widespread, persistent, or affecting one's self-confidence. However, it is crucial to consult Dr. Mary Christian-Reed at Dermatology and Laser Center of Oklahoma to determine if laser treatment is appropriate.

Laser Treatment For Dark Spots

Hyperpigmentation is skin patches or regions that are darker than the surrounding area. Sun exposure, hormonal swings, skin traumas, and inflammation contribute to this coloring. Laser treatment is a cosmetic rejuvenation procedure using a laser in Tulsa, OK, to improve the appearance of the skin or correct imperfections on the face.

Laser treatment offers several benefits for treating dark spots. Firstly, it provides targeted and precise treatment, selectively breaking down excess pigment while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. Secondly, it stimulates collagen production, aiding skin rejuvenation and promoting a more even complexion.

Laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure, reducing the risk of scarring or infection compared to more invasive treatments. Furthermore, it typically requires minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume their regular activities shortly after treatment. Finally, laser therapy can be tailored to individual needs, with various lasers available, ensuring personalized and effective treatment for different skin types and dark spots.

Schedule Your Appointment

Scheduling an appointment for dark spot laser treatment is advisable when one has persistent or bothersome hyperpigmentation issues that haven't responded to other treatments. Consult our dermatologist to determine the underlying cause of the dark spots and assess if laser therapy is suitable.

During the initial consultation, the dermatologist will examine the affected areas, discuss medical history, and explain the treatment options, including potential risks and benefits. They may also provide pre-treatment instructions and answer any questions. The consultation allows for personalized assessment and ensures informed decision-making before the laser treatment.

Please explore our website to learn about the conditions we treat and the services provided. Call Dermatology and Laser Center of Oklahoma in Tulsa, OK, at (918) 494-0400 to discuss treatment with a laser, or to make an appointment.